FenoRUB : A Breakthrough in RFID Solutions for Rubber Materials
The Feno-RUB-1358 tag marks a major innovation in RFID technology, specifically designed to tackle [...]
Introducing the Angel RFID Tag: Small Size, Big Performance
At FenoTag, we’re always innovating to push the boundaries of RFID technology, and this [...]
Texcare International: The Global Hub for Textile Care and Management Innovations
It was a pleasure meeting you at Texcare 2024! We’re thrilled to have had [...]
A NEW WOVEN label offering color and unmatched reliability FENOTAG continue to innovate . [...]
Texcare Trade Show 2024
This is the event you can't miss if you want to be more efficient [...]
LAUNDRY AND NURSING HOME RFID TRANSPONDER : As beautiful than it is performant.
Fenotag continues to innovate by pushing the limits of miniaturization ever further without neglecting [...]
EXPOdetergo was a real success !
The EXPOdetergo International fair is coming to an end. It was a real success [...]
Fenotag s’engage et effectue un don de plus de 22 000 masques en faveur de la SPA
[FENOTAG S'ENGAGE] Depuis le début de l'épidémie COVID19, Fenotag s'implique dans [...]
Fenotag won the CPAS de la Ville de Bruxelles public tender for the next two years. 🏆🇫🇷
We are proud to announce that we have won the CPAS de la Ville [...]
Fenotag recrute : Opérateur de production (h/f)
Opérateur de production (h/f) Fenotag Aix-en-Provence (13) CDI Détails du poste Type de contrat [...]
Fenotag recrute : Technicien ligne production (h/f)
Technicien de ligne production (h/f) Fenotag Aix-en-Provence (13) CDI Détails du poste Type de [...]
Fenotag recrute : Technicien de maintenance (h/f)
Technicien/ne de maintenance industrielle- job post Fenotag Aix-en-Provence (13) CDI Détails du poste Type [...]
Fenotag innove à nouveau et est récompensé pour le projet ⌜#SIPIOT
Fenotag fait partie des 72 nouveaux lauréats 🏆, totalisant plus de 538 millions d’euros [...]
Rejoignez nous ! On recrute : Poste de Technicien/ne de maintenance industrielle
Pour postuler 👉 #recrutement #madeinfrance #frenchfab #frenchtech #innovation #RFID#france #aixenprovence #marseille [...]
Fenotag est fier d’être certifié EECC. Cette certification s’inscrit dans une démarche constante d’amélioration [...]
Fenotag : Une entreprise éco-responsable
[FENOTAG S'ENGAGE] Parce que chez Fenotag l'écologie n'est pas un concept mais une préoccupation [...]
Great to be here at CleanEx 2022 and Hospitality Expo
Great to be here at #CleanEx2022 and #HospitalityExpo with Vision Linens & UBI Solutions meeting [...]
Madame la députée Anne-Laurence Petel visite le site de production de Fenotag
C'est avec beaucoup de plaisir que nous avons accueilli madame la [...]
CleanEx 2022 | SAVE THE DATE 24&25 April 2022 at Ascot Racecourse
CleanEx 2022 | SAVE THE DATE 24&25 April 2022 at Ascot Racecourse VISIT US [...]
Fenotag fête ses 7ans !
Fenotag fête ses 7 ans ! 🌬 🎂 Depuis sept années nous nous [...]
New world record ! Smallest Textile UHF Tag: 9 * 27mm
"Sometimes, it is better to have a small and powerful one than a big [...]
FENOTAG: Lauréat du Plan de Relance !
The connected mask against Covid19
Protecting yourself against Covid19 is an obligation. Making sure you always have the right [...]
OEKOTEX STANDARD 100 Class 1 Certification: “for a better trustability”.
OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 is one of the world's best-known labels for textiles tested for [...]
Tag with Hoop. easy fixing and Re-usable
Tag delivered with a hoop.Permit to fix easily and temporary on any garnement. Tag [...]
ITMA BARCELONA: FENOTAG and TEXPA introduced automatic tag insertion.
FENOTAG developped and patented a very innovative technology enabling the RFID insertion into towel [...]
FENOTAG introduce innovative hybrid tag: Optical barcode (Datamatrix, QR code, Barcode 1D etc) and [...]
Smallest Textile UHF Transponder 11*36mm
"The Global news" website published: "Fenotag has achieved the feat of reducing size while [...]
Press release: UBI Solutions – IMPINJ – FENOTAG
French Tech IoT Companies to launch innovative textile tag with Impinj Monza R6-P RAIN [...]
FENOTAG is now part of the French Fab.
FENOTAG appartient à la French Fab. FENOTAG s'engage dans une démarche de croissance, d’internationalisation, [...]
Our HF Disc tag is now qualified with SLI XL
FenoDISC-16SLIXL is our standard HF Tag for Textile in laundry environment. Thanks to its [...]
New SLIM Textile Tag: FenoTEX-1358s
Thinner, slimer, and better for insertion into hem of linen. Good compromise RF performance [...]
FENOTAG is now proposing solution compatible with MRI !!
A patient with this device, ref FenoTex-2060MR can be scanned safely in an MR [...]
Monza6RP proposed to ourVIP Customer
The Textile tag Portfolio is improved with the new Chip generation from Impinj. The [...]
FenoTex 2060MR compatible with needle detector equipment
The needle detector equipment is commonly used in industrial laundry to detect all ferrous [...]
FENOTAG introduced automatic encoding and EPC marking with laser
Solution is now completly integrated into the fully automatic production line. (designed and made [...]
FENOTAG introduced the New FenoTEX-1560
Fenotag has qualified a tag with specific dimention 58*15mm with a new hard Module [...]
“L’industrie rebondit (encore) à Rousset” dans
Les disparitions de LFoundry et Nexcis ont pu faire oublier que d'autres entreprises continuaient [...]
Press Release of Rousset
Download the press release